The ISC will be called upon to provide authoritative inputs in 2024


ICIAM is announcing that the International Science Council (ISC) secretariat has identified 20 priority topics on which the ISC will be called upon to provide authoritative inputs in 2024 (including foresight, science diplomacy, global digital cooperation, peace and security and more), which will be critical for the success of events such as the Summit of the Future, the High-Level Political Forum, and the International Conference on Small Island Developing States. Please see the full list of topics at:

Some of the topics in the list fit well the possible expertise of mathematicians.

Those who are able and willing to contribute their expertise to science-policy activities on one or more of the 20 topics to add their names to the roster of experts by completing, by 29 February, the online form at

The ISC secretariat will draw on the roster of experts throughout 2024 and beyond to provide ad-hoc science advice and prepare high-level briefs for the UN secretariat and UN Member States, develop statements on behalf of the international scientific community, and provide recommendations of speakers for high-level debates as well as virtual and in-person panels for policy-making audiences.